Public Projects
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Bids Due in 30 days
4/29/25 11:00am
Electronic bidding
RFP S-1376 Oracle Fusion Expenses Module
Bids Due in 30 days
Metropolitan St Louis Sewer District
Bids Due in 29 days
4/28/25 9:00am
Electronic bidding
Bids Due in 29 days
Metropolitan St Louis Sewer District
Bids Due in 38 days
5/7/25 11:00am
Electronic bidding
RFQ S-1386 Portable Toilet Rental
Bids Due in 38 days
Metropolitan St Louis Sewer District
Bids Due in 31 days
4/30/25 1:00pm
Electronic bidding
14106-015.1 Collins 1399 Combined Sewer Repair (IR)
Bids Due in 31 days
Metropolitan St Louis Sewer District
Located east of Interstate 70 and north of the Dr. Martin Luther King bridge, in the City of St. Louis, Missouri.
The work to be done under this contract consists of the construction of approximately 190 lineal feet of 24-inch pipe sewers and appurtenances to be constructed.
Bids Due in 26 days
4/25/25 11:00am
Electronic bidding
RFP S-1384 Oracle Cloud Managed Services-Information Technology Department
Bids Due in 26 days
Metropolitan St Louis Sewer District
Bids Due in 18 days
4/17/25 1:00pm
Electronic bidding
Bids Due in 18 days
Metropolitan St Louis Sewer District
Located east of Lewis and Clark Blvd and north of Interstate 270, in the City of unincorporated St. Louis County, Missouri.
The work to be done under this contract consists of the construction of approximately 2,293 lineal feet of 27-inch diameter sanitary sewer and appurtenances to be constructed.
Bids Due in 11 days
4/10/25 1:00pm
Electronic bidding
13786-015.1 Brantner 3007 Combined Sewer Abandonment and Reroute
Bids Due in 11 days
Metropolitan St Louis Sewer District
Located east of Dr. Martin Luther King Drive and south of Cass Avenue, in the City of St. Louis, Missouri.
The work to be done under this contract consists of the construction of approximately 788 lineal feet of combined sewers, varying in size from 15" to 21" in diameter, and appurtenances, including 435 lineal feet of 21-inch diameter pipe in tunnel to be constructed.
Bids Due in 17 days
4/16/25 1:00pm
Electronic bidding
13747-015.1 Lambert Airport Restricted Access Assets Inspection And Repair (RE-BID)
Bids Due in 17 days
Metropolitan St Louis Sewer District
Located in Service Area 4 of the Sewer District, in the City of St. Louis City Missouri.
The work to be done under this contract consists of the rehabilitation of approximately 19,262 lineal feet of sanitary sewers, varying in size from 8-inches to 42-inches in diameter utilizing CIPP methods and appurtenances to be constructed
Bids Due in 9 days
4/8/25 1:00pm
Electronic bidding
13227-015.1 L51 Pump Station Forcemain Improvements
Bids Due in 9 days
Metropolitan St Louis Sewer District
Located between Master Lift #1 (L51) Pump Station (P-717), along Creve Coeur Mill Road, from east of Prichard Farm Road to the Missouri River Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF), in the City of Maryland Heights and Unincorporated STL County, MO.
The work to be done under this contract consists of the construction of approximately 8,306 lineal feet of 36" forcemain, 26 linear feet of 2" Sport Port force main and connection to existing structure and appurtenances to be constructed.
Bids Due in 10 days
4/9/25 1:00pm
Electronic bidding
13023-015.1 Infrastructure Repairs (Rehabilitation) (2025) Contract B
Bids Due in 10 days
Metropolitan St Louis Sewer District
Located in service areas 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the District, in the City of St. Louis and various municipalities in St. Louis County and unincorporated St. Louis County, Missouri.
Contract consists of the rehabilitation of approximately 56,866 lineal feet of sanitary sewers varying in size from 6-inch to 42-inch in diameter, utilizing cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) methods to be constructed .